Standing out cannot be under-rated in the search world.  Over my career, I’ve interviewed hundreds and hundreds, (actually, thousands), of people; very few were truly ‘unqualified.’  Each person usually brings something compelling to the table, however small.  Most all were qualified to some degree, and a good chunk were clearly qualified beyond a doubt.  Very seldom, however, was the hiring decision an easy one – if they’re that great, why don’t I walk out feeling unburdened?

Because they didn’t stand out.

I’m not looking for irritating or cutesy gimmicks.  I don’t need those – you’ll stand out for sure, but not in a good way.

Here’s the reality: I can probably count on both hands the number of people who have emailed or mailed in a thank-you note after an interview.  If you want to stand out and if you want to be remembered in a good way, you can’t go wrong by expressing appreciation for your interviewer’s time.  If your email is sincere and specific, I’ve now likely thought more good thoughts about you in last 15 seconds than I’ve thought about all your competition combined.

Did we agree to follow up at some point?  Don’t hesitate to call with a tactful inquiry as to where I am in the decision process and if I have any additional questions.  Now I’m not only impressed, I’m feeling a bit of guilty pressure to make a decision, or maybe your call did it for me: you’re the one.

Are you working with a good recruiter?  You’ve truly never met such hard-working people in your life.  They have hundreds of people they are recommending for positions at any given time; not only do they deserve your thanks, but if you stand out to them?  You can’t get a better advocate!  A 30-second appreciation email to them is probably the best investment you can ever make in yourself, and it’s the classy and kind thing to do regardless.

But as hiring managers, we also owe YOU a ‘Thanks!’  To the hundreds of people who have trusted their careers to me: Thank You.  To the customers who have looked to us for advice and support and have treated our team members with respect: Thank You. 

Appreciation: what a great way to stand out!